Women for Justice (WJ)
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“To enhance the role of women in politics, women’s rights and justice and to improve the status of women’s life.”
In February 1995, the Women For Justice (WJ) was established in Delhi, India. The WJ was open to women from Burma of all ethnicities. The WJ was not affiliated with any political organization, and over the next year, the WJ expanded to include women from Burma who lived in North-eastern India, particularly in Manipur and Mizoram. While the founding members had participated in the 1988 democracy movement and had fled to India after the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) took power, many of the other members had come to India to escape the constant demands of the Burma Army.
In 2012, WJ started moving slowly inside Burma. In January 2016, the whole WJ has re-established in Kalay Township, Sagaing Division.